American Indian population


Fairbanks J, Finster CE, Rafelito A, Luna J, Kennedy M. A socioecological approach to improving mammography rates in a tribal community. Health Educ Behav 2008;35(3):396–409.


English KC, Bachar JJ, Lefler LJ, Reed L, McCoy T, Bailey R, Bell R. Cherokee Choices: a diabetes prevention program for American Indians. Prev Chronic Dis 2006;3(3):A103.

Healthy Navajo women: Walk in Beauty. Prev Chronic Dis 2006;3(3):A106.


Bursac Z, Campbell JE. From risky behaviors to chronic outcomes: current status and Healthy People 2010 goals for American Indians in Oklahoma. J Okla State Med Assoc 2003;96(12):569–73.

Liao Y, Tucker P, Giles W. Health status of American Indians compared with other racial/ethnic minority populations – selected states, 2001–2002. 2003;52:1148–1152.


Bursac Z, Campbell JE. Prevalence of current cigarette smoking among American Indians in Oklahoma: a comparison. J Okla State Med Assoc 2002;95(3):155–8.

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National REACH Coalition
301 West College Avenue, Suite 16
Silver City, NM 88061
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