Old Who We Are

National REACH Coalition Board Members


The National REACH Coalition (NRC) is a national network of community-based organizations that promotes, develops, and implements innovative health equity programs in both urban and rural communities. Our staff and Board of Directors are leaders in the public health field, with years of experience focused on the elimination of racial and ethnic health disparities within the United States.

    National REACH Coalition Staff

Cathy Morales
Program Director/Principal Investigator

Angelica Alton
REACH Program Manager
Apeksha Iyer
CTG Program Manager
Donovan Lessard
Program Evaluator
National REACH Coalition Board of Directors
Executive Committee
NRC Board Chair Emeritus: Lark Galloway-Gilliam
NRC Board Chair: Charmaine Ruddock
Secretary: Jeff Bachar NRC Vice Chair: Blishda Lacet
 imagesTreasurer: Denise Wise
Regional Directors
Central Region: Kelly Roberta Moore

Northeastern Region: Eustache Jean-Louis

Mid-North Region: Tonya M French-Turner

Northwest / West Region: Martha Moore-Monro

Northwest Region: Antoinette Angulo Southeast Region: Vacant


Pacific Region: Vacant





At-Large: Diane Gaspard

At-Large: Simona C. Kwon  At-Large: Jane MacDonald Day

Contact Us

National REACH Coalition
301 West College Avenue, Suite 16
Silver City, NM 88061
[email protected]